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Blocked sewer line?

Before clearing a blocked sewer line, call Info-Excavation at 1 800 663-9228

Before you attempt to clear a blocked sewer line, you must immediately contact Info-Excavation at 1 800 663-9228, option 1
It's easy, fast and free.A natural gas line could be obstructing the sewer service line using mechanical tools or a high-pressure water jet, you could inadvertently cause a gas leak or even a fire or explosion.

What are cross bores ?

For several years now, the natural gas industry has been using trenchless drilling technologies to install its underground infrastructures. While this approach saves time, is cost-effective and has little impact on the environment, some natural gas lines installed using this technique may have inadvertently intersected with a sewer service line.

Info-Excavation 1 800 663-9228. Easy, fast and free.

During your call, two situations may occur:

1- The gas network is not close in proximity

There will be a confirmation that the work can proceed safel

2- The gas network is close by

A crew will be dispateched immediately to locate the natural gas and sewer service lines. In cas or intereference, the sitation will be corrected by Énergir. No matter how much time it takes, Énergir will reimburse you plumber's time.

In the event of a break in a natural gas pipeline or any other component of the natural gas distribution system:

  • Stop work immediately
  • Avoid contact with any sources of flame or spark, including light switches and telephones
  • Move quickly away from the source ofthe leak and leave the building
  • Call 9-1-1 once you are in a safe location.